This fall share presented us with weekly, and later bi-weekly orders of fresh veggies, right into the end of November. It was amazing. I'll admit, we weren't the best at using all of the vegetables right away, but once our freezer arrived that started to change.
I can can things. I know how. But I'm not a fan of the extra salt required to preserve the veggies, so I usually choose to blanche and freeze. I have done some pickling of the beets that we received (and also the 10 lb bag I bought. We also love to just cook up or roast our beets and eat them like that - yum!)
I was talking to someone about how I was putting my kale in the freezer. They were shocked that you could freeze kale. So that is what I will continue to post about today.
Now my family and I were cool before it was cool! (I always say this! Either that or we're just really nerdy...ha ha). My hubby and I watched Dr. Who, long before it was discovered by most of North America as a wonderful form of entertainment. We've also been eating kale, long before kale was a "superfood". It has to do with being Dutch. When we lived in the NWT, I had my hubby order it in especially for me at the store. Many people didn't know what it was. Then when we moved to Alberta, we could only find it at Sobey's. Now it's everywhere. In small baby kale form for salads, fresh name it!
Kale is one of those veggies that gets better after the frost. Roots are the same. They get sweeter if you wait to harvest them until you've had at least one frost. The frost helps with removing bugs and stuff from the kale and also helps make it tastier! Yum!
Preserving kale is simple! Probably the most simple of all veggies. All you need to do is wash and freeze. No blanching required!
Here are more detailed instructions:
1. Pull leaves off of stalks. The stalks are very bony when the kale is matured. Peel leaves off and discard stalks/stems.
My little helper!
3. Rinse with cool water at least 2 times to remove the extra salt.
4. Stuff in freezer bags. Try to lay flat.
5. Put in freezer. I always label and date my bags so that I know what it is.
That's it! Easy peasy!
We like to make the Dutch dish "Bourrecole" with the kale. (It is originally Spanish from my research). This dish is made by boiling the kale and peeled potatoes. I have made it with the peel still on the potato, it is your choice. Have equal amounts, or possibly more kale, when peeling your potatoes. Boil until done. Meanwhile, cut bacon or sausage into small pieces. Fry. When potatoes and kale are done, mash them up together. Add meat with drippings to the mashed potatoes and kale. Mix well. Serve with vinegar and salt and pepper. YUMMY!
Next on the list is trying to preserve the carrots, turnips and squash!