I knew it was bound to happen.
School started. I have a six year old and he doesn't have to wear a mask at school. He also doesn't understand social distancing. They are super intelligent. They can tell you all about it, but they forget easily. They are kids. They want to play. They want relationships. It is just childlike behaviour.
This is why colds and flus and gastro bugs move so quickly through primary classes.
And with fall comes cold and flu season.
So I wasn't surprised when my 6 year old started coughing through the night that third weekend.
As a student he was to stay home and self-monitor.
Then I got it.
I started coughing day four. When I started symptoms, I had to stay home.
I was told to contact our virtual triage to determine if I needed to be tested. And the response was yes.
The test for Covid-19 was about as uncomfortable as a throat swab for strep...although in my nose. It didn't tickle. It wasn't fun, but it was bearable. It did cause my nose to run, a lot.
Then came the wait for the results.
In total I was home for 10 days under what I called "house arrest".
It was not a vacation, but it was necessary to keep people safe.
Results came back and confirmed that it was only a cold.
Colds in COVID times are very different. The cold itself is the same, but I do feel that I was over the cold much sooner than I would have been regularly. I was forced to stay home and as a result actually rested and recovered. I know it was "just a cold", and that normally I would have still gone to work with a cough and runny nose, but in these days, we have to be cautious.
Hopefully, I will not get another cold this year and I pray, that I will not get infected with COVID19. I pray also that this virus will go away! And soon! Christmas will be very different this year.
Stay healthy! Keep well!
Wash your hands and stay home if you are sick. Life is hard, but we can do hard things.