Thursday, January 2, 2014

It's a New Year, time to make those resolutions.

Yesterday I touched a bit on Facebook about resolutions.  It looked like this:

"New year resolutions? Well, most years it is to get healthier, exercise more and lose weight. This year the weight loss will just have to wait...but today I WILL get more exercise climbing the stairs to put away all of this laundry, after it's folded of course. Then it's go time for the Christmas decorations! It's been fun, but it's time! Have a great first day of 2014 with all of your loved ones. Make it special! Even if you're still doing daily chores like I am!"

I am happy to say that I did get it all folded.  Plus a couple more loads.  I have more to fold today however.  Such is the life of a stay at home mom and housewife...
But this brings me to the point of my post today:  Resolutions. 
I normally hate resolutions.  I rarely follow through, and they are usually the same year after year. 
I'm hoping this year however will be different (I'm sure I've said that before).  2013 was a crazy year, but it was also a year with many blessings.  2014 may be the year that we turn things around. 
For the month of January I propose to devote my blogging to not only voice my goals for 2014, but to come up with some clear plans about how I will achieve those goals.  We need to have steps to achieve our goals, or we'll never get there. Maybe that is why my "resolutions" never panned out before. 
My Goals for 2014:
1.  Get finances in order.  (This is a big one and a must, with a new baby on the way, and only one income!)
2.  Become more organized.  (This one is very difficult for me!)
3.  Make health a priority.  (Notice I didn't say lose weight!)
4.  Grow a garden and preserve for Winter (in a way this goes with goal 1, but gardening is a huge part of my heritage, so I want to make this a separate goal).
5.  Spend more quality time as a family.
6.  Less technology. 
7.  Live a simpler "greener" life.
I reserve the right to add to this list at any time during the year! 
What goals did you make for 2014?  How do you plan to achieve these goals?


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