Friday, February 6, 2015

Laundry Wars

Let's face it!  Laundry is probably one of, if not THE, worst chores. 

It isn't that it is difficult.  Unless you wash all of your laundry by hand, it's actually quite easy to do.  We have fancy (or not so fancy depending on the model), machines that do all of the work for us. 

But that doesn't change the fact that we have to sort the laundry first, put it in and then change to the dryer or hang up, and then, there's the folding. 

I'm great at sorting and washing and drying.  I get so behind with the folding and putting away. 

Maybe this is a no brainer but I want to share my newest solution to this age old battle. 

I don't have pictures, because I was too busy preparing for our open house to stop and take pictures, but I'm excited to share this with you. 

Often our clothes get folded and then placed on our bed.  I have a rule that clothes don't go into our room unless they are folded.  Once on the bed I sort them based on location. 

All too often, bedtime arrives before the clothes get put away which results in clothes being set out of the way so we can get into bed...but not resulting in the clothes getting put away. 

Well Buddy was happy playing in his crib, so I started the task of putting away the buildup of clothing. 

My solution:  1 basket per person.  That is right.  It was genius!

I put all of Daddy's clothing in one basket.  All of Lu's in another basket and all of Buddy's in the 3rd basket.  Later that evening I put it all away.  I put my clothes away right away...and Daddy did his own.  One day the kids will do their own too...but until then.  This was a golden solution!

Solution to clean clothes buildup and the laundry lots of laundry baskets!

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