Monday, January 2, 2017

New Year. New Goals.

This time of year causes people to reflect on the year that just passed and make plans for the future.

My reflection on the year and planning for goals got me thinking, why do we just do this one day a year.  I mean, why not see each day as a new chance for reflection and improvement.

I've said before I don't like resolutions.  I never keep them.  Plain and simple.  And let's be honest, how many of us actually do?

Still, I find myself reflecting and making plans and goals (resolutions, if you wish) for 2017.

Here are some of them:

1.  Of course this one is on the list...weight loss.  For the past I-don't-know-how-many years I have vowed to eat healthy and exercise and lose that extra weight holding me down.  Well alas, this is on this year's list again, so you can guess how well last year went.  I am happy to say that I did not gain any more weight, but I didn't lose.

The extra weight is starting to affect my overall feeling of well being and at my young age, I'm experiencing many aches and pains.  I am hoping that losing weight will help me feel more alive and allow me to be able to play more with my kids.  So Healthy eating and exercise and WEIGHT LOSS is number one on my list.

2.  Organization.  Well well...Domestic Diva sucks at being least in the house keeping department.  So my second goal is to get my home in a state of organization...real organization.  Not organized chaos, as this has been my excuse for a LONG time...and it isn't really fooling anyone...even me, really.  I used to say it's ok because I can find anything I'm looking for, and I probably could, but it would take a long time and our lives don't have the extra time.  So this year I need to get on top of it.  It's going to be hard.   I am going to have to be dedicated 200% to this goal. My OCD should make keeping it organized easier...but to get there will be the challenge.

I have a few projects in mind.  One is my desk/office area.  It is in desperate need of organization....DESPERATELY!

Second is my pantry.  I've got lovely glass top mason jars to get everything into its place!

Thirdly is my new crafting space.  YAY!  More on that later!

3.  More family time.  This should be number one!  I want to devote more of my time to my family.  More games nights.  More impromptu dance parties!  More sliding parties!  More outdoor walks.

4.  More outdoors.  Let's face it, outside is the best medicine.  (Besides Music of course!)

5.  Devotion to daily devotions.  (Should be number one too)

6.  Teach my littlest to use the toilet.  NO MORE DIAPERS!

Ok I'm sure there is more, and it's ok if I can't think of them all right now.  Every day is a new beginning.  I can keep adding as I go.  This list here is a great start to a New Year.

What does your 2017 look like?  Will you be making any changes/goals?

(GIF from

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