Sunday, March 22, 2020

Be grateful...we are blessed.

Hello friends,

It has been over a week now since the word declared a pandemic.  Here in Canada we are feeling the effects as in the rest of the world.  I've been doing great with social distancing...Mr Diva says it's because I don't like to be around people anyways. 🙋 Ok, yes he's mostly right. 

I love the times I get where I don't have to go anywhere and when I can be in the company of my family, especially my little people. 

Really makes you think of mother hens in time like know, the image of the mother hen collecting her chicks under her wings!  Yup there is comfort in that! 

But today, at one week mark, it feels hard.

I am not sure what exactly is making it hard. 

I have food. 

I have the ability and expertise to make meals out of staples.

I have a warm house and a big yard, so we can still honour social distancing while being outside in the sun and fresh air (best medicine). 

But today still feels hard. 

So I thought that I would write down a list of things that I am thankful for.  If you see this on social media, feel free to add in the comments, or even here in the comments! 

I am blessed!  I am thankful for...

1.  The sun is shining today.  It is still quite cold, but there are streams of light that will touch my skin with warmth.

2. Our country is working hard to help ensure our safety and health.

3. I have my littles at home with me.

3.  I don't have to drive on snowy roads to get to work.  I can stay at home and I have no where to be.

4.  I have soup cooking in the instant pot right now and it will be ready for a late lunch! 

5.  We are all healthy and have had no known exposure to the virus.

6.  I have lovely green babies thriving. 

7. My dog is a loyal companion when I am feeling lonely.

8. I have many books to read and time to read them. 

9.  I finally finished an afghan that I started two years ago. 

10.  We're going to go out and light a campfire and roast hotdogs and marshmallows with the little people that I love the most.

I will add to this again as we get through this period of isolation together because it is important to keep positive and remind yourself how we are blessed. 

Keep safe all!  Wash your hands!

Off to roast spider dogs!

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