Friday, January 4, 2019

Happy New Year!

WOW!  It's been a while.  I am so sorry. 

Honestly, I'm not really sure if anyone has ever read this blog of mine, but in case I do have followers...I'm back.

However things are no longer the same. 

I am no longer a full time Domestic Diva. 

Actually I'm far from a Domestic Diva. 

We found the cost of running our home was too much to handle with one income, so I went back to work part time September 2016.  I was so ready! 

Going back to work landed me a permanent job.  Unfortunately it's only part time, but it's guaranteed work!  So that is exciting.  And I love it.  I fill the rest of the time with sub work. 

But, with working out, my house got major neglected. 

I've come to realize that I suck at being a home maker.  Good thing I'm earning my keep somewhere else right? 

New years often come with resolutions.  I've said before how I dislike resolutions because they never pan out.  I like to make goals.  January 1st is always a natural time for new beginnings.  So this year my goals all revolve around one word:  MANAGEMENT

I realized one day while driving home from work that our lives are so mismanaged. 

Our home. 

Our finances.

Our time.

So my time will be devoted on fixing this. 

One area:  the home.  I have too much stuff.  Over this year, I want to simplify our stuff to make things more manageable.  I want to declutter.  I want to organize.  I've started.  But it is so discouraging to know all that I've done and to see so little progress, but we'll get there. 

So follow me if you would like to share in what I've learned this year.  And what I will continue to learn as I learn to manage this life that I've been given. 

Happy New Year's to all of you!

And be sure to follow me on Facebook as well!