Thursday, January 15, 2015


So in sticking with one of my personal goals, I need to get a post done today.

I'm not ready to post about budget making, so I'll post on something I'm good at:  cooking.

Yup!  I said it!  I'm a self-proclaimed good cook!  But it's not just me that says so.  Lu tells me all the time!

Buddy, well he's pretty happy with the milk I make...that must count for something right?

Sometimes, we get busy and supper doesn't get planned in time.  It's those days where breakfast for supper happens....there's a name for it: Breakper....Supfast....whatever, we know what it is.

Well let me share this recipe with you!  You don't have to reach for that bag of premixed pancake batter because yummy pancakes are super easy to make!  Even with little cooking experience.

What you will need?
- flour
- sugar
- egg
- milk.

I like to add baking powder so that the pancakes get fluffy.  And we love our pancakes fried in REAL butter.  (Everything's better with butter!)


I usually make a half recipe, but this will be for a full recipe. (it maks a lot)

Measure 2 cups of flour.

Mix with 1 cup of sugar. ('o' Did I meantion, this is a Dutch Panecooken recipe...yup just like in the Panecooken houses...lots of sweet!)

Add about a tsp of baking powder if you would like fluffy pancakes.

Mix dry ingredients.

Add one egg and wisk in the dry ingredients.

Add enough milk, until a very thin batter.

Fry until you see bubbles.  Flip and serve.

So easy!  We like to have them with pure maple syrup.   For a true authentic Panecooken experience eat with corn syrup.

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