Thursday, January 29, 2015

Those Dreadful Household Chores!

What is your most dreaded household chore?

It's a tough pick for me. 

I wish I had Samantha's power from "Bewitched" and could just wiggle my nose and it would all be done. I can find many more fulfilling things to do with my time than clean. BUT, it is part of my job description...and is important in keeping my family healthy (and hubby happy)...and sadly, I have not yet developed Samantha's talents.

Today my most dreaded chore is the dishes! Both parents have had the flu for the past couple of days (and still aren't feeling great). So, our kitchen looks terrible. 

By midday nap it usually looks rough as my dishwasher has two feet and is usually chasing after a 10 month old or catering to a 4 year old or playing with either or both of the above (more important in
My eyes).

So I will be spending much of nap time scrubbing and drying and putting away. Then maybe cleaning some floors before the baby wakes and we have to trek to the bus stop!

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