Friday, January 9, 2015

Packing up Christmas

First week of January is over now.  Are we sad or excited?  I have mixed feelings...I wish time would slow down so that I can enjoy my littles longer while they're still little, but I love that we're getting closer to Spring! (Don't worry.  I am not delusional, a dreamer maybe, but not delusional!  I know that Winter will get worse before better.  :(  Sorry if you are delusional, and I burst your bubble.)

Anyways, back to the first week of January bit.  January usually marks the point where the Christmas decorations come down.  For myself, it usually happens Boxing Day.  Not because I am a party pooper (really!), but because I want my house back by that point.

As an aside, I LOVE CHRISTMAS!  As soon as December 1st rolls around, I've got the decorations out and I'm "Deckin' those halls" and stairs, and piano, and buffet, and kitchen.  You name it, it gets decked out.

But once it's all said and done and the celebrating as been all too yesterday, I itch to get those decorations down and out of there.

One of my Facebook friends made the comment that it would take a long time to decorate the house due to its size.  When in reality it is actually quite quick and effortless.

How?  Because I am the world's most ANAL disorganized organized nerd!

My hubby rolls his eyes.

You may too.

I am going to share insight into my Christmas decoration procedure.

Individual itemized bins.

That is right.

I have a bin for Christmas lights ONLY.  I have a bin for Christmas tree trimmings ONLY.  I have a bin for Christmas kitchen ONLY.  Then I have bins for all of the extras that come out December 1st.

This method is very important because we don't do our tree until mid month.  Thus not having to work through all of the ornaments to get to the bigger stuff.

Genius?  I care to think so.  (don't comment if you don't think so.)

And it doesn't end there...this is where my hubby rolls his eyes.  I pack the ornaments in ziplock bags. Blame the teacher in me...

Here are some photos:
Our tree before dismantle

An example of a bin

Empty packages are stored in bin while tree is up.

First lights off, then folded up.

Then I wrap the cord around to tie

tuck one side into a ziplock

Put all in giant ziplock and into lights bin it goes

Ornaments in packaging 

Tree skirt on top

Lid on top and DONE

How do you pack up Christmas?

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